5 Ways to Improve Your Website Traffic

Once you have a website, you need to get people to it. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is key to getting your website noticed. At 416 Studios we make sure your website is optimised for search engines, and develop strategies to drive new visitors to your website. (SEO) marketing is a science unto itself, but there are simple techniques which can help your improve website ranking on Search Engine Result Pages (S.E.R.P ranking and will increase visitor numbers to your website. They are simple steps that some might take for granted, but if you want to do the right things to develop a successful website you should take on board this advice.

Keyword Use in Title Tag

Placing the targeted search term or phrase in the title tag of the web page’s HTML header.

Good titles help everyone. They help the search engine categorise your site, they help the searcher know what to expect from your page, thus helping to increase Click-Through Rate and they get better SERP (Search Engine Ranking Positions).

An Efficient internal linking structure.

Link Popularity within the Site’s Internal Link Structure – Refers to the number and importance of internal links pointing to the target page.

A good linking structure makes certain that important pages get enough emphasis in the same way good navigation structure on the web page helps visitors get around your site slickly.

Global Link Popularity of Site

The overall link weight/authority as measured by links from any and all sites across the web.

Visit popular sites in your category, leave comments and a link to your site. Spread the word, tell your friends, family, anyone who will listen to visit. Make use of social networks like Facebook, linkedin etc.

Keyword Use in Body Text.

Using the targeted search term in the visible, HTML text of the page

Yes, this is important, but do NOT, whatever you do, ‘spam’ the targeted keyword(s). Only use the keyword phrase throughout the page where it makes sense. Search engines are sophisticated beasties and will apply topic analysis to learn what is truly relevant.

The web is ruled by content, and while it takes time to build a great body of content these simple tips can push our website a little bit further.

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