Are SME’s harming their business with shoddy websites?

website design 416 Studios London UK

According to research carried out by OnePoll, on behalf of BaseKit, 70 per cent of people claim they would not buy from a company with a badly designed website, yet many small businesses enterprises(SME) seem to think that any old website will do. Even worse is the misconception that their business can not benefit from a website.

It is vital that you represent you company professionally online. In this Internet age companies are expected to have a well thought out online presence and it is crucial that a website gives the correct impression of a business.

When you consider that the first stop to find a product or services is Google. Can SME’s really afford not to have an appropriate site when it’s so easy to go back to Google and choose a different company, one that has a better looking site?

The ease of finding businesses online means it is also very easy to find a business that’s not yours. Where you business is located is not as important as how it looks online. A website is the first impression a potential customer gets of a business, and a judgement on whether or not to use the services is usually made in a few seconds. In those few seconds aesthetics is the most influential factor in making that decision

The website is now the digital expression of the business. It is essential to marketing and sales, communications, branding and reputation, and customer service and support.

By allowing their business to be represented by a shoddy website, SME’s are running the risk of:

  • Losing market share to competitors who have recognised the value of a good website, and have acquired a better site.
  • Damage to reputation and brand caused by the association of a bad website to the brand
  • Harming customer relationship when customers have difficulty completing tasks, caused by bad planning and design
  • Financial loss associated with customers turning away from your business, caused by poor web execution.

SME’s must stop throwing away money, turning away customers, and damaging their reputation, paying more attention to their oft neglected website. In these austere times can we really afford to be represented by a bad website?

One thought on “Are SME’s harming their business with shoddy websites?

  • Mhairi Gordon-Preston

    I agree!

    A website that’s hard to navigate, looks cheap, is full of jargon, or which talks about the company rather than addressing customer needs, and doesn’t rank highly, can all harm a business.

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