Flickr Cover Images – Freebies

Are you fed up with Flickr blurring your cover images, saying they are not big enough or replacing with their own… feel free to use those, they are already cropped, big enough and blurred so they will look good as the headers. I have used one of them for my profile.

Click through the images to download full size.

size of flickr cover images
cover image – aqua
Flick header what size
cover image – sundown
why Flickr blur cover images
cover image – purple
Facebook Twitter Flickr cover images
cover image – orange sky
Flickr Facebook Twitter header cover images free
cover image – denim
rainforest cover image Flickr Twitter Facebook Google+
cover image – tropical
pink sky dawn sunset sundown free photo
cover image – pink dawn
seafoam blue header image free freebie gratis
cover image – seafoam blue
rainbow image header free freebie
cover image – rainbow
brown purple reflection bokeh
cover image – reflections

More cover images coming up shortly… also for Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

2 thoughts on “Flickr Cover Images – Freebies

  • Hi Margot! I haven’t written in a while! These are beautiful images. Do you think they can be used with Tumblr for the background image?

  • Oh, so nice to “see” you Tonia! 😉 I don’t use Tumblr but probably not, they would be suitable for headers, mainly Flickr but maybe Twitter and Facebook as well.

    What’s your Tumblr address? 🙂

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